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Budget Speech


Mr. Speaker, this budget lays before the people of the Province both our record of past achievement and our vision for the future. It is a record of commitments made and commitments kept. It is a vison for the future articulated publicly in comprehensive long term plans, developed in broad consultation with all stakeholders.

We have the Strategic Social Plan that is receiving national and international attention for its innovative approach to integrating social and economic development. We have redesigned income support programs to focus on making the transition to employment, reducing social assistance case loads to their lowest level in over a decade, while increasing our support through new programs and initiatives for those most in need.

We have the Renewal Strategy for Jobs and Growth that is enhancing a business climate already enjoying sustained high economic growth. We are now producing jobs at a rate where each year a greater number of people are employed in this Province than at any previous time in our history.

This government has implemented educational reform, reinvesting savings to increase spending per student year after year. Our initiatives have ensured the best pupil-teacher ratio in the country. We are the only province lowering university tuition, and we provide greater financial support per student to our university than any other. We are the most active in reducing post secondary student debt and are continuing to take more practical steps than anyone else to do something about this national issue.

Last Fall, we launched our strategic health plan, Healthier Together, which sets out new directions for the health and community services system for the next five years. This Spring a new Health Charter will be released outlining the commitments people of the Province can rely on for service delivery. Our per capita spending on health continues to exceed the Canadian average for the fifth consecutive year.

This government has had the largest annual programs of school, hospital and road construction and upgrading since Confederation.

And, Mr. Speaker, we have done all this while maintaining the best record of sound, prudent fiscal management since Confederation, by any measure. We have faced many fiscal challenges and have always delivered a responsible fiscal plan. And our fiscal plans have always delivered a creditworthy fiscal performance.

This year is no different. We now have a fiscal plan in place for an affordable deficit that not only maintains all social programs and public services, it enhances them selectively, responding as we have done each year to public priorities. We have set achievable targets to bring the deficit down responsibly to a balanced budget position over the term of our next mandate. Rather than resorting to unnecessary program cuts, we are confident this can be done by relying on revenue growth generated by our strongly performing economy, one that leads the nation.

We are a government whose hallmark is establishing goals, setting agendas and meeting its commitments. We are a government who will keep the commitments it makes to all the people of the Province, including its employees and their families. We are a government with commitments to balance economic development with social development. We are a government that reflects the values of the people of this Province. We are a government that will build on its record. We are a government that will work with the people of the Province to build together the new Newfoundland and Labrador.



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