Provincial Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador

Provincial Strategy

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is committed to enhancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society. This commitment included engaging persons with disabilities in developing recommendations and strategies to address barriers to public services, education and employment.

The Government fulfilled this commitment by conducting fully accessible public consultations in the fall 2010.

Following consultations, a What We Heard report was developed which outlined the rich information gathered through the consultation process.

This information, focusing on solutions for removing and preventing barriers, became the foundation for ‘Access. Inclusion. Equality. Provincial Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities’.

This strategy provides a framework for a long-term, sustainable approach to achieving the vision of a fully inclusive province where individuals with disabilities have the same opportunities and choices on an equal basis as others.

To request alternate formats or a hard copy of the strategy, see contact info below.

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Public Consultations

Public consultations were held across the province to give people with disabilities and their families, advocates and networks, the opportunity to discuss how best to remove and prevent barriers. The input from these consultations will be used to develop a strategy for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society. The consultations will help ensure that the strategy will reflect the needs, priorities and values of residents of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Provincial Government Announces Consultations to Develop a Strategy for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

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Discussion Paper

Inclusion for All – Developing a Plan to Remove Barriers for People with Disabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador (2 MB) is a discussion paper and was used to guide public input. It was intended to encourage discussion on how best to remove and prevent barriers. It provided information about the Government’s commitment to inclusion and barriers identified by community-based research. It included an overview of some projects currently underway, as well as questions to generate discussion.

Discussion Paper – ASL translation video link

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What We Heard

Inclusion for All: Consultations to Develop a Plan to Remove Barriers for People with Disabilities in Newfoundland and Labrador (61 KB)is a document of what was heard from the public during consultations. During the fall of 2010, there was a wide consultation process that involved over 600 individuals and organizations. The consultations were about looking for solutions to barriers experienced by people with disabilities. Creative and well thought out ideas and solutions were offered through public consultation sessions, focus groups, and interviews along with email, phone / TTY and written submissions.

All parts of the consultation process were fully accessible to ensure people could provide input with dignity. Physical access, sign language interpretation, captioning, alternate formats, scent-free environments and accessible websites were important to making sure the consultation process was fully accessible.

What We Heard – ASL translation video link

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Contact Information – to send your comments or request copies of the discussion booklet, alternate formats, or disability-related accommodations.

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