School Board Transition

Progress Update (June 15, 2013)

The School Board Transition Committee held its fourth meeting on Saturday, June 15. All committee members were present, along with ex-offio members Janet Vivian-Walsh (Deputy Minister of Education) and Ed Walsh (Assistant Deputy Minister, Primary, Elementary, Secondary).

Preparations for September, 2013

CEO-Designate Darrin Pike discussed the overall board operations under the new structure with transition committee members, particularly as it related to finance, payroll, student management systems and staff training.

Preparation for school opening in September was discussed, along with such logistical issues as the development of a new website and e-mail and IT systems for the one provincial English-language board. It was noted that existing school board policies will remain in effect in regional areas until the new Board has an opportunity to refine and adopt new policies. Similarly, a new school board’s strategic plan will be developed in consultation with school councils and other stakeholders once the new board is in place.

The new school district’s focus will be on student achievement, promoting 21st century learning, school improvement, the development of social and life skills, while recognizing the importance of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities for students.

Update on Staffing

Applications for the Associate and Assistant Directors have been received and candidates shortlisted. A conference call is planned to review this with transition committee members. Meanwhile, discussions are ongoing to address the transition of other employees to the new provincial English-language school district.