Field Operations Policy

Policy Statement

Employees required to work in field operations may claim for meals and accommodations as outlined in this policy.

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This policy applies to all employees of Government departments.

Bargaining unit employees should also consult their respective collective agreements and the provisions of the collective agreement shall prevail.

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Field Operations departmentally defined duties which require employees to work, for periods of time, away from their permanent headquarters
Mid-shift Meal lunch, where employees are working a day or midnight shift; supper, where employees are working an evening shift
Patrol Area a stretch of land or water, designated by the Employer, which employees are required to patrol
Permanent Headquarters the building or other place of employment where employees are normally stationed or required to use as a permanent base of operations
Permanent Headquarters Area the 20 kilometer area surrounding the building or other regular place of employment which is deemed by the Deputy Minister to be an employee’s headquarters area
Temporary Headquarters a work site away from employees’ permanent headquarters to which employees are temporarily assigned

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It is the responsibility of individual departments to:

  • plan and monitor the cost of field operations; and
  • review and approve travel claims in a timely manner

It is the responsibility of employees to submit travel claims in a timely manner.

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Employees involved in field operations may claim meal allowances:

  • when they are working outside their permanent headquarters area and other arrangements for meals have not been specifically established by the Deputy Minister; or
  • when they are on patrol duties and cannot return to headquarters or home for the mid-shift meal.

Where government-owned or government arranged accommodations are provided, employees may:

  • claim the daily meal per diem as per the Meal Rates Policy;
  • purchase supplies (up to the approved daily meal rate) for preparing meals; or
  • arrange for the Employer to purchase supplies.

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Board and lodging will not be paid to an employee who lives in the immediate area of the work location or who is hired for that work location only.

Where accommodations, other than government-owned or government arranged, are required for a period of more than one month for field operations, the Employer will seek the most economical rate available based on weekly or monthly rates.

Field personnel may, with the approval of the Deputy Minister, use and/or share with other employees, their own self-contained trailers provided that:

  • the cost for this type of accommodation does not exceed the cheapest form of accommodation offered in the area; and
  • employees claim meals and private accommodation costs as per the Meal Rates Policy;
  • claims are not submitted for any period of approved leave or for periods when employees are not required to remain on the job site

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Last Policy Update: March 15, 2000