Miawpukek First Nation

The Miawpukek First Nation (MFN) is an Indian Act band that was established as a federal Indian Reserve in 1987. It is located at the mouth of the Conne River on the south coast of the island of Newfoundland.  Approximately 850 members of MFN live at Conne River, with an additional 2,000 members living off-Reserve.

MFN administers its own school curriculum, alongside provincially authorized curriculum, through provincially certified MFN teaching staff at St. Anne’s School. Curriculum is K-12, and inclusive and reflective of Mi’kmaq cultural practices, heritage, and tradition.

Conne River Health and Social Services is responsible for the design and delivery of community-based programs that enhance the awareness and provide for the continuing care of the members, including: social work; child care; mental health and addictions; continuing care; and health promotion.