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N O R T H E R N   C O A S T A L   L A B R A D O R
S T R A T E G I C   I N I T I A T I V E
Roads, Water and Sewer
  • Government recognizes that Labrador's long-term economic and social potential will only be realized by improving infrastructure, including the upgrading of roads and water and sewer systems.

  • In the first year of the initiative, $3 million for road upgrading and $3.3 million for water and sewer will be spent in the target communities.

  • All tenders for roads/water/sewer services closed on July 25, 2000. Completion of water and sewer work for year one in all communities is anticipated by the fall of this year.

  • Year one road work in the community of Makkovik will be completed by year end. For all other communities, road survey and design work has been completed, and road work will resume in the spring as weather permits.


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