Ministerial Statement – Newfoundland and Labrador Community Transportation Program Now Open

  • Children, Seniors and Social Development

June 15, 2021

The following statement was read in the House of Assembly today by the Honourable John G. Abbott, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development:

Mr. Speaker, while many of us do not even think twice about how we are going to get to a doctor’s appointment, go to the grocery store or travel to work every day, there are many people throughout Newfoundland and Labrador who struggle to get around because of age, mobility, geography or income.

The value of ensuring seniors, persons with disabilities and individuals with low income can access services and participate in their communities cannot be overstated.

To help reduce transportation barriers, the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development offers the Newfoundland and Labrador Community Transportation Program, with an investment of $300,000 in Budget 2021. This program can significantly improve an individual’s independence and their health, as well as help them become a more active member in their community.

Grants are available to municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous governments and communities to develop, implement and evaluate a community-based transportation project that is as inclusive and accessible as possible. Many valuable projects have been implemented by community partners with support from this program. I am pleased that seven projects located throughout the province were supported last year, one of which was Connections for Seniors Handy Ride Program.

Just last week, Mr. Speaker, I opened the call for applications for the Newfoundland and Labrador Community Transportation Program, with the deadline to apply being September 30. Successful applicants can receive up to $100,000 for alternate transportation services for individuals who experience barriers to accessible, affordable and inclusive transportation.

I encourage any community or group interested in the Newfoundland and Labrador Community Transportation Program to reach out to my department by calling 1-888-494-2266 or visiting

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

2021 06 15 1:53 pm