Joint Statement on Consultations on Renaming Red Indian Lake

  • Executive Council

April 29, 2021

The following is a joint statement from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Nunatsiavut Government, Innu Nation, NunatuKavut Community Council, Miawpukek First Nation, and Qalipu First Nation:

The Provincial Government introduced notice last week in the House of Assembly to bring forth a Bill to rename Red Indian Lake. This occurred after discussions with the above-noted Indigenous Governments and Organizations in the Province facilitated by the Premier and the Minister Responsible for Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation.

We strongly believe that Indigenous place names contribute to the Reconciliation, diversity, inclusion, revitalization and strengthening of Indigenous histories, languages and cultures.

Renaming Red Indian Lake is but one of several topics in our discussions on the journey we have embarked upon towards Reconciliation. The Provincial Government, in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, is engaged in establishing a relationship that is founded upon respect, listening, and mutual understanding.

The proposal to rename Red Indian Lake has generated considerable comment. We believe that conversations about history, places, discrimination, and injustices will contribute to a greater understanding and awareness for everyone of the need for Reconciliation.

The road to Reconciliation is not always smooth. As Murray Sinclair, who served as Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, said: “Achieving Reconciliation is like climbing a mountain — we must proceed a step at a time. It will not always be easy. There will be storms, there will be obstacles, but we cannot allow ourselves to be daunted by the task because our goal is just and it is also necessary for our children.”

We have reached the conclusion that it is necessary to pause and reflect on the name of Red Indian Lake. The Provincial Government and Indigenous Leadership have heard the desire of residents for consultation and Reconciliation.

Therefore, the Provincial Government and the Indigenous Leaders have agreed that the Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation, the Honourable Lisa Dempster, will organize the means by which residents may have their views heard on this issue. These views will then be considered with respect to the renaming of Red Indian Lake.

The Provincial Government and the Indigenous Leaders are committed to honouring the Beothuk and actioning Reconciliation.

Honourable Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador
Honourable Lisa Dempster, Minister, Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation
President Johannes Lampe, Nunatsiavut Government
Grand Chief Etienne Rich, Innu Nation
President Todd Russell, NunatuKavut Community Council
Saqamaw Mi’sel Joe, Miawpukek First Nation
Chief Brendan Mitchell, Qalipu First Nation

Media contacts
Meghan McCabe
Office of the Premier

Allan Bock
Office of Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation
709-896-4449, 899-6446

2021 04 29 10:23 am