Provincial Government Helping to Advance Shellfish Aquaculture in Notre Dame Bay

  • Industry, Energy and Technology
  • Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

May 10, 2021

One year after the official launch of the first commercially cultivated oyster in Newfoundland and Labrador, Merasheen Oyster Farms Inc. is set to grow and expand its operations.

The company, which had been producing oysters in Placentia Bay for the last few years, is adding production to Notre Dame Bay. Owner Juan Roberts, the only oyster farmer in the province, says the move is expected to result in a higher-quality product. The shallower, warmer waters of Notre Dame Bay are likely to speed up the usual five-year growing process – resulting in a better oyster product reaching markets more quickly.

The Provincial Government’s non-repayable $248,608 contribution will assist with oyster cultivation research in Notre Dame Bay using specialized equipment, such as the Floating Upweller System, and dedicated oyster growth cages. This support will help the company continue its growth and development in a very competitive marketplace.

Providing businesses such as Merasheen Oyster Farms with the tools they need to compete and succeed in global markets is important to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. Increased export activity helps create jobs and economic benefits for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

“Through proper development, there is potential for oysters to be a significant commercial product in our province, one that could grow our economy for years to come. The Merasheen Oyster Farms product is advancing, and it just goes to show how important tech innovation is to all sectors. Our government is committed to supporting innovation in all industries and is pleased to provide support for the growth and development of this business.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology

“The unique growing conditions in Placentia Bay create an oyster with a distinct flavor that is appreciated throughout North America. The expansion of Merasheen Oyster Farms in to Notre Dame Bay will lead to increased economic opportunities for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and allow for increased product exposure to overseas markets.”
Honourable Derrick Bragg
Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

“Oysters are a higher value shellfish and we believe when things improve with restaurants and the economy and an eventual easing up on restrictions, we expect oyster sales to improve and increase. We would like to thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for their continued support to help us grow the oyster industry, which will create jobs for rural Newfoundland and Labrador. We believe that our cold clean water will give our oysters that increased flavour that will set us apart from rest of world!”
Juan Roberts
Merasheen Oyster Farms

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Learn More

Merasheen Oyster Farms

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Media contacts
Eric Humber
Industry, Energy and Technology

Linda Skinner
709-637-2284, 637-2461
Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

Juan Roberts
Merasheen Oyster Farms

2021 05 10 10:30 am