Using Simulation to Increase Safety in the Ocean Industry  

  • Industry, Energy and Technology

December 3, 2021

The continued development of digital technologies in the ocean industry helps to reduce risk, and adds value to our offshore marine operations. A joint research and development project by two local companies will help create a safer and improved offshore environment by using simulated capabilities.

Horizon Maritime Services Ltd. and Allswater Marine are conducting a research project that explores the process of digital twining in an offshore setting. This unique simulation method allows for virtual representation to replace the real-time digital counterpart of a physical object. By integrating digital and automated technologies, ocean operators will have the ability to remotely monitor human activity, resulting in increased safety, enhanced wellness, and improved operational performance.

This innovative project was approved for a non-repayable $500,000 contribution through the Innovation and Business Investment Corporation. In addition to support from Horizon Maritime Services, other partners in this project include Canada’s Ocean SuperCluster and Energy Research and Innovation NL. The total project cost is $3,120,040.

With its headquarters located in St. John’s, Horizon Maritime Services is an international company which is uniquely positioned to serve harsh and deep water environments world-wide. Allswater Marine is a single-source engineering firm that specializes in marine and offshore applications, serving clients from several countries, including from an office in Mount Pearl.


“Our province’s ocean economy will benefit significantly from the development of this digital technology. The unique scope of this research project will allow operators to optimize their operations, creating a safer, more cost-efficient workspace.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology

“We appreciate the efforts of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and our project team to bring this initiative to fruition. The opportunity to improve the safety and well-being of our remote offshore workforce while increasing the competitiveness of our industry are amongst the most important challenges we face today. We are excited to begin work on delivering solutions that will result in positive change.”
Sean Leet
CEO, Horizon Maritime Services Ltd.

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Learn More
Horizon Maritime Services Ltd

Allswater Marine

Innovation and Business Development Fund

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Media contacts
Eric Humber
Industry, Energy and Technology

Sean Leet
Horizon Maritime Services Ltd.

2021 12 03 11:00 am