Ministerial Statement – New Codes of Conduct Help Reduce Barriers for Women in Local Leadership Roles

  • Municipal and Provincial Affairs

October 17, 2022

The following statement was read in the House of Assembly today by the Honourable Krista Lynn Howell, Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs:

Speaker, I stand today to congratulate the Town of Pouch Cove for being the first in the province to adopt a municipal Code of Conduct, as well as several other councils that have since achieved this important milestone.

Working to reduce gender-based harassment and barriers to professional advancement are critical steps towards increasing diversity and representation of women in municipal politics.

To that end, the Municipal Conduct Act was proclaimed into force on September 1, 2022, providing clear guidelines on how to effectively address issues of conflicts of interest and harassment and bullying in the workplace. This legislation will have a tremendous impact for women and gender diverse people who wish to work or run for local government.

Speaker, inherent in the legislation is the aim to reduce gender-based harassment, ensuring councils are more inclusive, and reducing barriers to women, gender diverse individuals, and other marginalized groups entering politics.

The Act and Municipal Codes of Conduct will result in improved respectfulness, professionalism and workplace safety and wellness in council chambers and municipal workplaces.

To assist municipalities, a series of information sessions are being offered this fall, both in person and virtually. I encourage councillors and staff to take part and to reach out to the Department at any time for further information and assistance.

Thank you.

2022 10 17 1:45 pm