Municipal Codes of Conduct Established by Vast Majority of Councils in Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Municipal and Provincial Affairs

April 5, 2023

The Honourable Krista Lynn Howell, Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs, announced today that 97 per cent, or 262 municipalities in Newfoundland and Labrador now have a code of conduct established. These codes are an essential tool to strengthen municipal governance, and contribute to the successful day to day operations of a community.

On September 1, 2022, the Municipal Conduct Act came into effect. The Act provides clear guidelines for councils, requiring them to establish their own codes of conduct to address issues such as conflict of interest and bullying and harassment in the workplace.

To further support municipalities, the department has delivered 49 training and information sessions with over 2,600 registrations of councillors, senior staff and other municipal officials. In addition to mandatory training on codes of conduct, mandatory training is required on conflict of interest; council budgets and financial management; roles and responsibilities of councillors and chief administrative officers; meetings and procedures; and access to information and protection of privacy.

The department continues to support those communities that have yet to establish their codes of conduct, and looks forward to 100 per cent compliance in the very near future.

“I commend the leadership of all communities throughout the province that have made the establishment of their codes of conduct a priority. These codes, along with the high level of participation in the mandatory training sessions, are helping ensure councillors and staff are knowledgeable and well equipped to conduct operations with integrity and professionalism.”
Honourable Krista Lynn Howell
Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs


Learn more
Municipal Conduct Act

Municipal Conduct Act Regulations

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2023 04 05 3:30 pm