Environmental Assessment Bulletin

  • Environment and Climate Change

February 22, 2024

The Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, has announced the following relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.


Freshwater Kennedy Farm Abattoir                                            (Reg. 2254)
Proponent: Kennedy Farm Inc.

On February 8, 2023, the Minister advised the Proponent that the Waste Management Plan for the Freshwater Kennedy Farm Abattoir was found to be acceptable. The Plan was required by a condition of release from environmental assessment and is available on the Department’s project web page at: www.gov.nl.ca/ecc/projects/project-2254/.


Burgeo Rifle Range Site Remediation                                         (Reg. 2283)
Proponent: Department of National Defense

The project is released from environmental assessment subject to the following conditions:

  • The Proponent must uphold all commitments made in the environmental assessment submission to mitigate the effects of the project on the environment.
  • The Water Resources Management Division of the Department of Environment and Climate Change requires that a Water Resource Management Plan be submitted for review and approval prior to project commencement and the Plan must include the following:
  • Sediment and siltation control approaches;
  • Installation of settling ponds and other engineered methods such as settling tanks to meet the acceptable TSS guideline of 30mg/L;
  • Alternate approaches to the treatment of surface water and discharge location;
  • Location of on-site water treatment facility;
  • Water sampling and water quality monitoring plan; and
  • Decommissioning and/or potential future use plan for remaining monitoring wells.
  • The Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture requires the following:
    • The Short-eared Owl is listed as Threatened under the Newfoundland and Labrador Endangered Species Act (NLESA). This species is a ground nester and therefore vulnerable to ground disturbances. If ground disturbance will occur between May 1 and August 15, a targeted survey for the Short-eared Owl is required before the project commences and must be conducted by a qualified independent third party. If a nesting owl is suspected or detected, an 800-metre no-disturbance buffer will be required until August 15 or all young have fledged. Appropriate survey protocol should be obtained from the Wildlife Division by emailing WildLifeReferrals@gov.nl.ca.
  • The Proponent must advise the Environmental Assessment Division when the conditions of release have been met, by e-mailing a written description, documents, and images (where applicable) to demonstrate that the conditions have been fulfilled.
  • The Proponent must update the Environmental Assessment Division on the status of the Project, including a copy of all permits, licenses, certificates, approvals and other authorizations required for the project, one year from the date of this release letter and provide additional updates if required.

Learn more
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Climate Change
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Environmental assessment information is available at:



Follow us on Twitter: @GovNL and @ECC_GovNL

Project comments may be sent to: EAProjectComments@gov.nl.ca

Anyone submitting comments on a project under environmental assessment is asked to please advise the Department if they DO NOT wish to have their comments shared with the Project Proponent.


2024 02 22 3:10 pm