Newfoundland Marten Showing Signs of Recovery; Rare Plant Added to List of At-Risk Species

  • Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

February 22, 2024

The Provincial Government is marking an improvement in American Marten (Island of Newfoundland Population) numbers by downlisting its status from Threatened to Vulnerable under the provincial Endangered Species Act.

Newfoundland Marten is one of only 14 mammal species native to the Island of Newfoundland. The population is geographically isolated, and genetically and ecologically distinct.

First considered endangered in 1996, it was one of the first species formally designated under the provincial Endangered Species Act in 2002. Recovery programs in place since the 1990s have supported population growth, resulting in downlisting from Endangered to Threatened in 2007.

With a current population estimate of 2,500 to 2,800 mature animals, Newfoundland Marten numbers have steadily improved thanks to the efforts of the Newfoundland Marten Recovery Team, the trapping sector, small game harvesters, Indigenous Groups and Organizations, stewardship organizations, the forestry industry, the provincial and federal governments, and the public. The department will continue to work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop a management strategy for marten in the future.

The plant Dense Draba has been designated Vulnerable under the Act. Dense Draba, a small plant that grows on cliffs and rock outcrops, is found nowhere in the world other than Newfoundland and Labrador, and Québec. With fewer than 3,000 of these plants known to exist, this species is newly designated Vulnerable under the provincial Endangered Species Act.

All species recognized under endangered species legislation are vital to maintaining the health of Newfoundland and Labrador’s natural, agricultural, rural and urban ecosystems. Management plans and actions, supported by monitoring and research activities, will be developed for both species identifying conservation measures to ensure they do not become further at risk.

“The listings noted today are an encouraging sign that the provincial Endangered Species Act and recovery efforts are working as they should. With the strength of the Act behind it, work is underway to ensure the conservation of the very rare Dense Draba. The improved status of Newfoundland Marten reflects years of cooperation and hard work from the Newfoundland Marten Recovery Team, trappers and hunters, Indigenous Governments and Organizations, industry, environmental organizations and other interested parties. I thank them all for their dedication to conserving biodiversity and taking action to help ensure no species becomes extinct in Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Honourable Elvis Loveless
Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture

“Successful recovery of a species at risk requires a great deal of effort and collaboration. The improvement in provincial risk designation for the Newfoundland Marten population to Vulnerable is an acknowledgement of commitment and stewardship by a great many individuals and organizations, including conservation biologists, provincial wildlife and forestry managers, resources users, forest industry, academia, environmental and conservation organizations, and the federal and provincial governments. This new risk designation for Newfoundland Marten should be celebrated by all these individuals and organizations, as well as the people of the province.”
Dr. Brian Hearn
Chair, Newfoundland Marten Recovery Team


Learn more
Wildlife Division Report: Habitat Availability and Population Size for American Marten (Martes americana atrata) on the Island of Newfoundland

Endangered Species Act

Species at Risk

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada

Species Status Advisory Committee

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2024 02 22 10:31 am