Office of the Seniors’ Advocate Releases Report Summarizing the Major Issues Raised by Seniors and the Advocate’s Plans

September 25, 2019

Seniors’ Advocate Dr. Suzanne Brake today released “Long May Your Big Jib Draw: Setting Sail”. This report is a “what we’ve heard” document reflecting the major systemic issues that seniors have brought forward since the creation of the Office in…

Media Advisory: Seniors’ Advocate to Release a Report Summarizing the Major Issues Raised by Seniors and the Advocate’s Plans

September 24, 2019

The following is being distributed at the request of the Office of the Seniors’ Advocate: Dr. Suzanne Brake, Seniors’ Advocate, will release a document highlighting the major issues that seniors have brought to her attention since her appointment. Dr. Brake…

Office of the Seniors’ Advocate – October 1 is International Day of the Older Person and National Seniors Day

October 1, 2018

Each year this day is set aside to recognize seniors throughout the world and to acknowledge their contributions. As Newfoundland and Labrador’s Seniors’ Advocate, I encourage every citizen to take the time today to think about all of the ways…
