Limited Liability Partnership Registration

A partnership consisting of partners who practice in an eligible profession may apply to register the partnership as a limited liability partnership by submitting to the registrar, on behalf of the partnership, an application, as indicated below.

Also a partnership that has the status of a limited liability partnership under the laws of a jurisdiction outside the province can register as an extra-provincial limited liability partnership.

Please include in the application the following:

  1. Completed registration form (246 KB).
  2. The name of the partnership which shall contain the words Limited Liability Partnership or the abbreviation LLP at the end of the name as per Section 60 of the Partnership Act. It is advisable to contact the Registry in advance to obtain name approval.
  3. A description of the eligible profession in which the partners practice.
  4. The name and residential address in the province of the partner who is designated as the representative of the partnership with respect to matters relating to the partnership.
  5. The full civic address of the registered office of the partnership in the province.
  6. A letter of consent from a person who is authorized by the governing body of the applicable eligible profession to provide a statement certifying that the partnership and the partners meet all applicable eligibility requirements for practice as a Limited Liability Partnership that are imposed under the Act that regulates the eligible profession.
  7. The required fee (53 KB).
  8. If you are an extra-provincial Limited Liability Partnership registering with our province we would also require a copy of the constating documents (certificate and registration) from your home jurisdiction.

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