Consolidate Engineering Services


Way Forward Commitment:

Engineering services are currently spread across multiple departments. Our Government will consolidate engineering services, as appropriate, within one department by March 31, 2017. The consolidation will enable better engineering project management and will maximize the use of professional resources and skills.

What We’ve Accomplished:

  • Government announced the consolidation of engineering services on February 22, 2017.
  • Transportation and Works is now the lead department for engineering services for the delivery of infrastructure for core government departments.
  • This change has addressed instances of overlapping engineering services, such as those related to education infrastructure projects. In the past, engineering staff from both the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Department of Transportation and Works were involved in design/construction projects for schools in the province. While the end goal was the same, each group had its own set of priorities and responsibilities, which could sometime contribute to a degree of inefficiency in project execution. Having a single engineering service in place removes duplication that existed previously, enables engineering resources to be assigned to a larger number and broader array of projects, and improves government’s ability to maximize the utility of this valuable skillset.

News Releases

Government Structure Realigned to Enhance Program and Service Delivery and Achieve Greater Efficiency