Engage Schools to Create Settings that Support Healthy Living and Learning


Way Forward Commitment:

Our Government will provide funding for up to 100 interested schools to action initiatives identified through use of the Healthy School Planner tool, which helps schools create healthier learning environments. The Planner enables schools to assess their current school environment from a health and wellness perspective along with an opportunity to explore specific topics including healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco use and positive mental health and develop a plan to address any identified gaps.

What We’ve Accomplished:

  • To date 138 schools have completed the foundational and physical activity modules of the Healthy School Planner and developed action plans based on the results of the planner.
  • Schools received Activation Grants (maximum of $3,000 in Newfoundland and $4000 in Labrador) to help address identified physical activity gaps and to action initiatives identified in their action plan.
  • Funding supported initiatives such as playground and greenspace development, mountain biking programs, family fun nights and indoor curling.