You’ve Got This!

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a big impact on our world.

It’s hard for everyone in different ways. We know you may be worried about how this affects you, your friends and your family. We’re here to answer your questions and provide some ideas and support to get you through this.



Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever (including chills/sweats);
  • Cough (new or worsening);
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
  • Runny, stuffy or congested nose (not related to seasonal allergies or other known causes/conditions);
  • Sore throat or difficulty swallowing;
  •  Headache;
  • Acute loss of sense of smell or taste;
  • Unusual fatigue, lack of energy;
  • New onset of muscle aches;
  • Loss of appetite; OR
  • Vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours.

If you have ONE or more of these symptoms, let your parents or an adult you trust know, they’ll know what to do next.

COVID-19 is a brand new disease. No one has ever had it until now. Scientists worked really hard to make vaccines to protect us. Health Canada has approved COVID-19 vaccines for children and youth 5 years of age and up. The vaccine helps the body fight off the virus, so that children are less likely to get COVID-19 and experience its symptoms.

COVID-19 spreads through “droplets” when those who have it cough or sneeze. This is why staying physically separated from people outside of your bubble is so important – if you stay away from others, there’s less of a chance that their droplets could infect you, or that you can infect someone else.


  1. How to protect yourself, your friends and family

    • Physical distancing – staying 6 feet (2 arm lengths) away from other people outside of your bubble. It’s okay to go outside, just make sure you don’t hang out with other groups of kids.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds (as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday”, twice). If you don’t have soap and water, you can use hand sanitizer.
    • Don’t touch your mouth or nose, especially if you haven’t washed your hands. Even if your hands don’t look dirty, they could have the virus on them.
    • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. Then, throw away the tissue as soon as you are done.
    • Get your information from trusted sources (like this website, the Government of Canada or the World Health Organization).
  2. How to connect with your friends

    Ok, we know we probably don’t need to tell you how to do this. (Actually, maybe you should be the ones telling us). Here’s a list of ways to keep in touch:

    • Zoom
    • Skype
    • Snapchat
    • Instagram
    • TikTok
    • Google hangout
    • Facebook
    • FaceTime
    • The ol’ fashioned telephone 😆
  3. Things to do

    We know it can get pretty boring being stuck at home. And, you’ve probably watched every show on Netflix by now. But here are some ideas we’ve come up with for you to battle the boredom.

    • Go for a bike ride, walk, hike or run
    • Create a workout routine
    • Family game night (board games, charades)
    • Learn woodworking/build something
    • Start a YouTube channel or make TikTok videos
    • Learn to cook/bake
    • Do yoga/meditate
    • Do a craft – learn to knit, sew, paint or get an adult coloring book
    • Write in a journal
    • Get a membership to the Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries. You can access free ebooks and audio books.
    • Marie Kondo your room. Now’s the perfect time to get rid of things that don’t “spark joy.”
  4. Apps to Check Out

    Jack.Org lists app-based service providers that are opening their digital doors for free during the quarantine period:

    Jack.Org also has daily classes and other resources. Check it out!

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

You aren’t alone in this. No matter what you’re feeling – anxiety, sadness, depression or if you’re experiencing violence or relationship challenges; we have confidential resources to help you!

Your Questions Answered

  1. Is it safe to get take-out out food?

    To date, COVID-19 has not been passed on through food or food packaging. If you order take-out for home delivery, make sure you don’t have contact with the delivery driver. Wash your hands before and after you eat!

  2. I know someone who isn’t distancing. What should I do?

    Right now, physical distancing is something that is recommended by Public Health officials to stop the spread of COVID-19. It is not something that is required under the law. But, that doesn’t mean you, your family and your friends shouldn’t do it! It is a very effective way to stop the spread of COVID-19.

  3. I hear youth don’t get very sick from COVID-19. Why should I have to distance myself?

    Because you don’t want to pass the virus on to your friends or family especially those who may have medical conditions or seniors like your Nan and Pop.

  4. If my bubble is safe and my friend’s bubble is safe, why can’t we be in the same bubble?

    You never really know if your bubble is safe. Every time you or a household member encounters someone from outside your household you are at risk of COVID-19 exposure.

  5. When will life get back to normal?

    We don’t know quite yet. It all depends on how we act now and how many cases of COVID-19 we have. Slowly but, surely things will get back to normal. Bit by bit, we are starting to see more activities happening. We just have to keep doing our part.