Linda Bartlett

Tourism, Culture and Recreation

As an adventure tourism development officer Linda has been instrumental in helping to grow our outdoor adventure industry into one of the highest profile sectors of tourism. She is an accomplished outdoors-woman and has explored this province extensively. On her own, she has traveled to diverse cultures and understands what makes this province special.

She makes things work. When an American writer couldn’t find whales for a tourism story, Linda delayed her holidays and took him kayaking among a pod of humpbacks. At the start of the Targa Newfoundland rally, a disappointed Australian race car driver thought that he was out of the event when his navigator became ill. Instead, Linda became his navigator. When the department was developing one of its major publications, Linda organized and directed, within 48 hours, an incredible photo shoot which included friends, volunteers, tourism operators and equipment. She wrote most of the publication which won a major international award! Her work has won two other gold medals for tourism.

Linda shows exceptional work performance on a day-to-day basis, going beyond the call of duty to deliver a high standard of service.