Cost Saving Tips

  • Use a reusable water bottle instead of buying                        bottled water.
  • When ingredients like meat are on sale, buy extra and cook double batches of recipes to freeze for later use.
  • Try meatless meals. Choose plant-based protein foods such as peanut butter, beans, dried peas or lentils.
  • Buy canned or frozen vegetables and fruits which can be less expensive than fresh.
  • Pick berries or grow your own vegetables if possible. If you are not able to do this, these local foods may be available in your community.
  • Fish or hunt for food when you can. Fish and wild game are healthy choices.
  • Limit highly processed foods, ready-made dishes and drinks that are high in sodium, sugars and/or saturated fats such as cookies and other baked goods, chips, and soft drinks. They are low in nutrients and can add extra cost.
  • When available, use school breakfast and lunch programs.
  • Find out what programs are in your community to help you save money. These may include bulk buying clubs, community gardens, community freezers, or community kitchens.
  • For more cost saving tips, visit Canada’s food guide’s healthy eating on a budget.