Carrier Profiles

Owners of commercial vehicles in excess of 4500kg and buses are issued a National Safety Code number.  This number is used to monitor a carrier’s compliance and issue a safety rating.

The carrier’s safety rating is based on its average fleet size over a two-year period along with an averaging formula consisting of a carrier’s collision, inspection, and conviction data.  More information on safety ratings is available in the Carrier Safety Regulations

Short Profile

A short profile is a summary of a carrier’s safety rating.  It does not include details for all inspections, convictions or collisions included on the carrier’s record.

Short profiles can be provided to anyone that submits a request.

To apply for a short profile email your request to National Safety Code.

Long Profile

A long profile is a comprehensive record of all activity of a carrier including full details of inspections, convictions and collisions.

A long profile can only be provided to the carrier who owns the record.

To apply for a long profile email your request to National Safety Code.