Why Develop and Implement Records Retention and Disposal Schedules?

The Management of Information Act requires a request be submitted to the Government Records Committee (GRC) to dispose of government records. The Records Retention and Disposal Schedule (RRDS) is the recommended tool used for the legal disposal of government records, once approved the RRDS can be used on an ongoing basis to manage records.

Failure to implement RRDS as a regular part of ongoing operations may result in:

  • Delay in provision of services as employees are forced to search through outdated or semi-active records to respond to inquiries
  • Inefficient use of resources including:
    • Budget unnecessarily spent on physical or electronic storage space
    • Cost to continue backup and recovery of electronic information which is no longer required
    • Time and resources wasted on inefficient search and retrieval
  • Embarrassment and/or legal implications if information is disposed of without appropriate authorization

If you require assistance with RRDS, please contact the Planning and Service Delivery Committee (PSDC) Chair of your department or im@gov.nl.ca for information relating to IM Advisory Services.