Cultural Connections

Components of the Strategy

In 2005, the Department of Education and the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation joined together to develop a provincial fine arts and cultural strategy for K-12 education in Newfoundland and Labrador: Cultural Connections. This initiative aims to increase the presence of cultural content in the school curriculum and foster links between the arts and school communities.

Leadership from the government and community based-sector at both provincial and regional levels has been instrumental in the approval, design, and implementation of the Cultural Connections initiative. Partnerships with organizations such as Memorial University of Newfoundland, the Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council, The Rooms, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association, the Association of Heritage Industries, the Association of Cultural Industries, and the Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association have increased cultural capacity within school environments.

The goals of Cultural Connections are as follows:

  • Newfoundland and Labrador history and culture will be affirmed as a key feature of the K-12 curriculum.
  • Students from the K-12 system will be encouraged to develop foundational skills in music, theatre, visual arts and creative writing, which may prepare them to aspire to professional training and career opportunities in the fine and performing arts
  • Students will develop a critical awareness of the role of the arts in creating and reflecting heritage.
  • Students, and those who witness their expression of the arts, will also come to respect the contributions of individuals and cultural groups to the arts, in local, national, and international contexts, and will recognize the value of the arts as a record of our human experience.
  • Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, especially the younger population, will grow in their understanding and appreciation of the unique culture in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Application Forms

  • Arts Smarts
  • Fine Arts and Cultural Festivals (FACF) – Submission Deadline has passed
  • Learning, Educating, and Growing Arts and Culture for Youth (LEGACY) – Submission Deadline has passed
  • Professional Learning in Arts and Culture Education (PLACE) – Submission Deadline has passed
  • School Touring Program
  • Student Travel Grant (STG) – Submission Deadline has passed
  • Demande pour le programme PLACE – La date limite de soumission est dépassée
  • Demande de financement (FACF) – La date limite de soumission est dépassée
  • Demande pour le programme LEGACY – La date limite de soumission est dépassée
  • Demande de bourse de voyage a l’intention des eleves (STG) – La date limite de soumission est dépassée

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Mary Dinn

Department of Education

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