Information About Violence

No person or group is excluded from the possibility of becoming a victim of violence. A victim of violence can be anyone, regardless of gender identity, age, ability, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation or economic status.

Individuals in our province experience sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual and cultural violence as well as verbal and financial abuse and neglect. All forms of violence can have devastating and long-lasting effects for victims.

Victims of violence usually know the person who has perpetrated the violence, such as a spouse, intimate partner, relative, friend or colleague. However, in some cases, a person that is unknown to the victim perpetrates the violence.

As much as victims differ, so can their response to violence, including injuries, emotional suffering and recovery time. Some people may be affected in the short term, while others will be impacted in the longer term. There is no “correct” way for a person to react after experiencing violence.

There are a variety of programs and services available to help individuals who are living, working or learning in violent situations. The support of friends and family members is extremely important to a victim of violence. Professionals, such as Victim Services workers or counsellors, can also provide much-needed assistance, information and support.

This page offers information and resources that may be helpful to victims of violence, as well as to those who provide support to victims of violence in Newfoundland and Labrador.