
The application and assessment for student financial assistance may not capture all student situations or exceptional circumstances. The purpose of the appeal process is to assist students whose standard student financial assistance application does not accurately capture their individual circumstances.

If you do not believe your assessment results reflect your true financial need, or you have exceptional circumstances, you may request a review of your application through the appeal process. An appeal is not necessary to correct errors; therefore, you should contact StudentAidNL to discuss your particular situation before submitting an appeal.

Note that StudentAidNL does not have authority to overrule the legislation and policy that governs the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Student Financial Assistance Program. Also, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Student Financial Assistance Program has maximum loan and grant amounts available to students. These amounts are the same for every Newfoundland and Labrador student and StudentAidNL cannot provide funding above these established maximums through an appeal. For more information on funding please see:

Below are examples of some of the more common appeals submitted to StudentAidNL

Before you start the appeal process, you should review these examples to assist in understanding what may be possible and what additional information/ documentation maybe required to support your request.

Requesting to change student category from Dependent student to Independent student.

In order for this request to be considered, there must be a family breakdown which is beyond the normal disagreements which may occur between children and parents. The circumstances would have resulted in the student leaving or being removed from the family home. The breakdown must be confirmed by a third party (such as a social service agency).

Please note – refusal by a parent(s) to provide financial support is not an acceptable reason for changing the student category from dependent to independent.

A student is considered dependent if:

  • They have never been married or in a common-law relationship (lived with their partner for a period of at least 12 consecutive months); and
  • They have never been a single parent with legal custody and financial responsibility for supporting dependents and/or other wholly dependent individuals; and
  • They are pursing post-secondary education within four years (48 months) of leaving regular high school; and
  • They have not been in the labour force full-time for two years, excluding time spend as a full-time student. The two years do not need to be consecutive; however, each period must be 12 consecutive months (with unemployment counting as part of those 12 months)

Reducing expected financial contribution for parent(s) or spouse because of exceptional or unexpected expenses beyond usual living costs.

Documentation (i.e., receipts) must be provided to support the exceptional or unexpected expense. Examples of expenses could be unexpected home repairs, medical costs, funeral or legal costs.

Requesting consideration of exceptional expenses beyond usual living or educational costs for the student.

StudentAidNL uses standard living allowance rates for each student category (i.e. single, married, single parent, etc.) in the assessment of student financial assistance.

Consideration for additional education-related expenses must be directly related to the program of study. For example, high book costs beyond the value used in the assessment or extended transportation for students communing from home where there is no public transportation service.

Requesting additional financial assistance for semesters beyond the normal length of the program.

Students are eligible to receive assistance for the normal length of their program, as defined by the school, plus an additional study period of up to a maximum of one academic year (2 semesters).

Example: A Bachelor of Arts program is normally eight semesters (four academic years) in duration. Financial assistance is available for those eight semesters (four academic years) plus an additional two-semester (one academic year) grace period, totally ten semesters (five academic years) of funding.

Requests for additional semesters of funding beyond the available study period plus one policy must be based on exceptional circumstances (medical for example) and not a lack of academic success while completing the program. Students must provide a letter detailing the reason they have not completed their program in the allowed time along with any applicable supporting documentation.

Requesting student financial assistance for subsequent program(s).

Students may be eligible for assistance beyond their initial program provided the subsequent program demonstrates academic progression, has good labour market and salary prospects, and will not result in the accumulation of an unmanageable level of debt.

Students are required to submit a letter of rationale to support their decision including any relevant documentation.

Requesting student financial assistance after switching programs.

Switching programs may affect eligibility for financial assistance if a student switches programs after reaching the midpoint of their current program (for undergraduate university students, this is typically after the fourth semester).

StudentAidNL will require the student to provide a letter of rationale to support their decision to switch programs before approving additional financial assistance. The letter of rationale must demonstrate academic progression, good labour market prospects and confirm the new program will not result in the accumulation of an unmanageable level of debt.

Requests for reconsideration of restrictions due to early withdrawals

There are consequences for students who withdraw from full-time studies during the semester (dropping to less than 60% of a full course load or less than 40% of a full course load for students with disabilities).

  • The first instance will lead to the student being given a warning that a second instance will result in being ineligible for student aid for a period of twelve months.
  • A second instance will result in the student being ineligible for funding for a 12 month period and will also include a warning that a third instance will result in the student being ineligible for 36 months.
  • A third instance will result in the student being ineligible for funding for a 36 month period

Requests for reconsideration of these consequences must be based on exceptional circumstances (i.e., medical). Students will be expected to provide documentation to support their request.

Requests to reduce recovery of overawards

An overaward means that a student has received more student financial assistance than they were entitled to receive.  StudentAidNL will reduce future awards by the value of the assessed overaward.

Overwards can occur if:

  • Students under-report pre-study and/or study period income;
  • Students drop a course(s)/withdraw from full time studies;
  • Reduction of school fees (opting out of educational institution medical plans after receiving funds for example);
  • Under-reporting of parental or spousal Line 15000 of prior year income;
  • Under estimating current year income of parent(s) or spouse;
  • Other reasons as determined by StudentAidNL.

Requests to reduce the value of an overaward recovery must be based on exceptional circumstances.

It is important to be accurate in submitting information to StudentAidNL.  Intentionally or knowingly providing false information has consequences.  Under the Student Financial Assistance Act, 2019, section 22 states:

(1) A person who, either orally or in writing, makes a false statement or misrepresentation or gives false or misleading information for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under this Act or assisting another person in obtaining financial assistance under this Act commits an offence.

The Appeals Process

Complete and submit the applicable appeal form to StudentAidNL for review by the Appeals Officer:

Student Appeal form – to be used by students, and parent(s) or spouse if applicable

Medical Appeal form – for exceptional circumstance(s) due to medical reasons

It is important to include detailed information explaining your situation as well as supporting documentation with your appeal form.

The service standard for review is 14 business days from receipt of the completed Appeal Form and supporting documentation. If more information is needed, the Appeals Officer will reach out to you directly.


For semesters 12 weeks or greater, the deadline is eight weeks prior to the end of the period of study (semester) to which the appeal relates. For semesters less than 12 weeks, the deadline is four weeks prior to the end of the period of study (semester) to which the appeal relates.

Please see the link below for additional funding options that may help pay for your educational program:

Paying for Your Education | National Student Loans Service Centre (