Corporate versus Operational Records

Corporate records, also referred to as “administrative records”, are those created by all organizations to support administrative functions. These include: human resources, general administration, facilities management, financial management, information and information technology management, and equipment and supplies (material) management.

Because the value of these records is consistent across government departments, the Corporate Records and Information Management Standard (C-RIMS) has been developed by the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) as a standard for their management. Departments must notify the Government Records Committee of their intent to use C-RIMS. To learn more about implementing C-RIMS, visit the C-RIMS section of the OCIO website.

Operational records are those records which are unique to the programs and lines of business of individual organizations. Departments are responsible for the development, approval and implementation of records retention and disposal schedules for their own operational records. The OCIO Information Management (IM) Advisory Service provides guidance on the development of RRDS for operational records. To learn more about implementing RRDS, visit the Developing RRDS for Operational Records section of the OCIO Website.

If you require assistance with RRDS, please contact the Planning and Service Delivery Committee (PSDC) Chair of your department for information relating to IM Advisory Services.