Fisheries and Aquaculture Legislation

  • Aquaculture Act – The act governs the conduct of aquaculture in the province to promote, in consultation with the private sector, the prudent and orderly development of an aquaculture industry; secure the property rights of those carrying on aquaculture; minimize conflicts with competing interests and uses; and help in consultative and co-operative decision making within the province and between the government of the province and the Government of Canada.
  • Crown Liability Act, 2007 – An act to hold the crown harmless in the disposition of the assets, business and other undertakings of FPI Limited and Fishery Products International Limited.
  • Fish Inspection Act – The act was first introduced in 1954. In 1990, a new act was created which replaced the previous version. The purpose of the act is to ensure that seafood is handled and processed in a sanitary environment and the seafood is not tainted, decomposed or unwholesome; this ensures that Newfoundland and Labrador companies are able to produce high quality seafood products.
  • Fish Processing Licensing Board Act – This act was enacted to allow for the creation of the Fish Processing Licensing Board.
    The objectives of the board are:

    1. to assess and make recommendations to the minister regarding fish processing licensing applications, including applications for new licences, and the consolidation and transfer of fish processing licences;
    2. to assess and make recommendations to the minister regarding applications for the addition of new species to existing fish processing licences, and, where appropriate, make recommendations regarding licensing on a regional basis;
    3. to assess and make recommendations to the minister regarding corporate concentration, merger and acquisition issues in the context of fish processing licensing matters; and
    4. those other objectives that the minister may determine.
  • Fisheries Act – This act was assented in 1995 and compels a fish business or enterprise to provide documents or records relating to a fish business or enterprise to the Minister when requested.
  • Fisheries Restructuring Act – The purpose of the act was to ratify, confirm and adopt an Agreement made between the Province and Canada concerning the restructuring of the Newfoundland Fishery, September 26, 1983.
  • Professional Fish Harvesters Act – An act to establish the professional fish harvesters certification board and to provide for the certification of professional fish harvesters.