Environmental Farm Planning

Environmental Farm Planning is recognized nation wide as a means for producers to identify and mitigate potential environmental risks on their farms. Every province in Canada is taking part in this program. In Newfoundland and Labrador the 4th Edition of the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Farm Plan Workbook is the main tool for completing a plan, however as of January 2007, the Electronic Version of the Workbook has been made available to producers.

The EFP is completed by the producer either at a scheduled workshop, through one on one sessions or through consultation. Completion involves rating potential risks and then identifying alternative activities that are less of a risk. EFP’s are 100% voluntary, and at all times throughout the process remain the property of the producer. Completion of an EFP may allow a producer to become eligible for certain funding programs to complete projects that will better their farm environmentally.

An EFP is not the equivalent to an Environmental Assessment, and completing one does not exempt a producer from other government requirements ie: Certificates of Approval for Waste Management or Environmental Assessment.


Workshops will be arranged as needed.


  • Peace of mind knowing that you are doing what you can to ensure the safety of your family, farm and community.
  • Marketing advantages tied to a “greener product”.
  • Eligibility to funding programs.
  • Keep up to date on new funding initiatives.
  • Due Dilligence.
  • Ensuring you are keeping within regulation.


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