Load Slip System

Since 2002, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has implemented a load slip system to track commercial timber harvested throughout the province. This system has been successful in reducing the amount of illegal wood being cut and sold each year.

loadslipGovernment is committed to ensuring the long-term sustainability and management of our forest resources. The load slip system is an effective tool which has provided the necessary information and knowledge to reach this goal.

The department is responsible for the enforcement of the Forestry Act and associated Regulations. The specific sections that deal with load slips are in the Cutting of Timber Regulations. Section 3(4) which states: A person shall not operate a vehicle on a highway in the province that carries a full or partial load of commercial timber without having in his or her possession a load slip that relates to that timber.

Since the implementation of the load slip system in 2002, Forestry Officials have laid numerous charges on individuals and companies not been in compliance with the Regulations. Fines relating to load slips under the Forestry Act are a minimum of $500 for the first offence.

Load slips are not required for timber that was harvested in the province under the authority of a domestic cutting permit.