Agriculture and Agrifoods – Industry Overview

The agriculture and agrifoods industry provides direct and indirect employment for 6,500 people and has sales valued at $500 million annually. The dairy industry has led this growth with expansion on farms and in dairy processing of value-added milk products such as cheese and novelty ice creams. Higher energy costs are also having an effect on agriculture operations, with significant impacts on livestock production. These impacts are direct, such as equipment operations, and indirect, such as higher feed costs due to the demand on corn for ethanol. The agency will continue to assist producers in finding ways to address these challenges.

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Additional Information

The Agriculture Production and Research Division of the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture is responsible for promoting the continued development, expansion and diversification of competitive and sustainable primary and value-added agriculture and agrifoods businesses. The division provides programs and services including:

  • Technical advice on the production, processing and marketing of food and other agricultural products in a manner that maximizes profits, while also acting responsibly towards food safety, animal welfare and sound land and environmental stewardship.
  • Professional veterinary assistance in the prevention and treatment of disease, as well as the avoidance of residues in food products.
  • Analytical services from the Animal Health Laboratory and the Soil, Plant and Feed Laboratory.
  • Operation of mandatory food safety programs.
  • Support of research into new agricultural products and practices, as well as animal diseases of economic and public health importance.
  • Funding opportunities to encourage growth and diversification in the agrifoods industry.
  • AgPal is a one-stop, web-based discovery tool designed to provide clients with agricultural information on all federal and provincial programs and services. 

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