Labrador Black Bear Management Zones

Black Bear Management Zones are currently under review – Please contact the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture for more information.

Select one of the three areas on the map below to view the boundary description for that zone.

George River Zone Labrador South Zone Torngat Mountains Zone


Torngat Mountains Zone

  • All that area of Labrador, including adjacent offshore islands, lying north of the George River Zone as described above.

George River Zone

  • All that area of Labrador bounded by a line beginning at the point where the 54° 00′ north latitude intersects the Labrador-Quebec boundary;
  • Then following this boundary in a generally northerly and/or easterly direction to the point where the most westerly of the rivers flowing into Hebron Fiord intersects that boundary at approximately 58° 06′ north latitude;
  • Then following the south bank of this river and the south shoreline of Hebron Fiord in a generally easterly direction to the Atlantic Ocean coast line;
  • Then following this coast line in a generally southerly direction, including all offshore islands, to the north bank of the mouth of the Kanairiktok River;
  • Then following the north bank of that river to the confluence with the Sail Lake Tributary;
  • Then crossing the Kanairiktok River at the shortest distance to the east bank of the Sail Lake Tributary and following the east bank of the Sail Lake Tributary to the intersection with the Sail Lake Dikes, water control structures, on Michikamau Reservoir;
  • Then following a straight line to the north bank at the mouth of the McPhadyen River and Menihek Lake;
  • Then following the north bank of that river to the intersection with 54° 00′ north latitude;
  • Then following the 54° 00′ north latitude due west to point of commencement.

Labrador South Zone

  • All that area of Labrador not included in the George River Zone and the Torngat Mountains Zone described above.