Terrestrial Research & Habitat Management

The Wildlife Division’s Terrestrial Research Program conducts research on range and habitat conditions of terrestrial wildlife species to determine factors that influence changes in the quantity and/or quality of these conditions.

The Terrestrial Program provides research support for the Habitat Management Program, which evaluates potential impacts of human development on wildlife populations and habitat. This program works within the context of the Environmental Review Process to suggest mitigative measures to minimize the impacts of human-induced disturbance, and ensures the ecological integrity of our natural ecosystems.

Key Terrestrial Program research projects involve:

  • design and implementation of a caribou monitoring program to examine the effects of Phase III of the Trans-Labrador Highway on Mealy Mountain caribou;
  • an assessment of the impacts of partial forest harvesting on the integrity and functioning of riparian buffers;
  • assessment of key caribou habitat and lichen availability across the province; and
  • development of predictive mapping tools using GIS to identify sensitive habitats for various wildlife species.