In Service Check

STEEP DOWNGRADE: In some areas of the province, signs such as the following are posted in advance of steep or long downgrades:

Steep downgrade sign illustration

Such signs indicate that the driver must stop his vehicle in the pull-out area and inspect their vehicle’s braking system before proceeding. Check:

  1. Compressor is maintaining full reservoir pressure.
  2. Push rod travel is within limitations on all chambers.
  3. No audible air leaks.
  4. Glad hands and lines are secure.
  5. Drums, bearings and tires are not overheating.
  6. Trailer supply valve is operating properly.

The driver must be aware of the condition of his vehicle’s braking system at all times. He can do this by:

  1. SEEING the pressure gauges;
  2. HEARING the warning signals; and
  3. FEELING the braking response of the vehicle.

By these methods of observation, the driver should be able to notice any defects developing in the braking system and be aware that service or adjustment are required.

Ensuring that the vehicle is in proper condition to drive is the responsibility of everyone involved. The extent of the driver’s responsibility to make repairs will depend on many factors, such as:

  • The maintenance policy of the company;
  • The driver’s mechanical experience;
  • Whether or not the vehicle is operator owned; and,
  • The availability of repair service.