
Date: February 17, 1921

Location: Signal Hill, St. John’s

Easting: 373500

Northing: 5269500

Latitude: 47° 34′ 00″ N

Longitude: 52° 41′ 00″ W

Fatalities: 1

Injuries: 0

Source: Evening Telegram, Feb 21st

The details are sketchy as no newspapers were published for two days due to the lack of power following the Petty Harbour incident. However it is clear that Albert Delahunty, 65 years old, was killed in an avalanche. His body was found buried under ten feet of snow 200′ below his house on Signal Hill, and according to the Evening Telegram report “his hold on a dinner pail had not relaxed when death overtook him”. The location of Delahunty’s house is uncertain, but was likely close to the Queens Battery, where no current dwellings exist. He had left the house to walk to work in the midst of a fierce storm, and it seems likely that he lost his way, possibly triggering an avalanche by breaking through a cornice.