
Date: February 7, 1986

Location: Curling

Easting: 429500

Northing: 5422600

Latitude: 48° 58′ 00″ N

Longitude: 57° 59′ 00″ W

Fatalities: 1

Injuries: 0

Source: Western Star Feb 10, 1986

On 7 February 1986 at about 7:30 pm, David Pike and his friend Jeffrey Soper were sliding on a steep snow slope, the site of the Bay of Islands War Memorial, Monument Hill, Curling. Their activities triggered an avalanche that swept them down-slope and completely buried David. Jeffrey was able to extract himself and ran for help. Police, firemen and volunteer rescuers searched the slope, but it was not until 9 pm that they uncovered the body of David. He was rushed to hospital but he was pronounced dead an hour later. He had been buried under 8 feet of snow, and had suffocated.

Avalanche Image - Monument Hill