
Date: April 15-20, 2007

Location: Daniel’s Harbour

Easting: 458400

Northing: 5565500



Fatalities: 0

Injuries: 0

Source: Reports from Department of Municipal Affairs, CBC, VOCM, Western Star, Martin Batterson observations

A major landslide took place in Daniel’s Harbour over the period April 15-20, 2007. A previous landslide in October 2006 had resulted in the evacuation of several houses, and concerns were raised when the slide apparently started to re-activate on Sunday, April 15. Further evacuations and monitoring took place as the landslide grew, eventually involving a much greater area than the previous event. On Wednesday April 18 a house owned by Bruce Biggin toppled over the landslide edge, and several outbuildings also were lost. The Northern Peninsula highway was closed as the landslide area started to impinge upon it, and a temporary re-routing was accomplished by Thursday. Seven homes were evacuated in total.