
Date: June 6, 2009

Location: Trout River





Fatalities: 0

Injuries: 0

Source: Reports from Department of Municipal Affairs

At 3:00 am a large landslide took place from steep slopes behind the community of Trout River. Heavy rainfall had saturated the slope, which contained glaciomarine clay and silt. About 100 cubic metres of material failed as a combination rotational failure/ debris flow. At the base of the hill, the debris flow displaced and damaged two sheds; one stopping less than a metre from a home. The larger shed served as a barrier blocking the material from going into the home, whereas the smaller shed rested against a large tree that also blocked the material from ending up into a second home. Residents in the area, indicate there is a history of similar landslides, where sheds have been damaged and displaced. Further tension cracks were apparent upon inspection and thus five homes below this vulnerable area were evacuated on a temporary basis.