
Date: October 20, 2006

Location: Daniel’s Harbour

Easting: 458400

Northing: 5565500



Fatalities: 0

Injuries: 0

Source: Reports from Department of Municipal Affairs, CBC, VOCM

At 7:30 am a large landslide took place on coastal cliffs on the northern side of the town of Daniels Harbour. The cliffs in this area (Daniel’s Cove) consist of unconsolidated material, and the landslide appears to have been a rotational slump. The volume of material involved was estimated as being up to 20-30,000 cubic metres. No significant rainfall was recorded in the area prior to the landslide.

The closest structure was a private shed approximately 10 m from top of the slope and a private home was 20-30 m from the landslide scarp. A large amount of material along the coastline slumped into the ocean. Other older similar slope failures are evident in this area. Engineering consultants recommended the area be barricaded and residents in the immediate area find temporary accommodations until a geo-technical evaluation on the slope was completed.

Some further landsliding occurred over the following days, but amounts involved were minor.

Following evaluation by consultants, the town declared a State of Emergency on the following Tuesday. A buffer zone of approximately 300 m from cliff edge was established and further properties were evacuated.