Relationship Building

Public Participation


Taking an approach centered on issues unique to rural development, this module seeks to answer the question of how to design organizational structures to facilitate community involvement. In answering this, the issue of how to decide upon the degree of credibility to give to local processes and expertise come forward, as well as recommended methods to encourage participation, a consideration of notions of empowerment, and a look at the overall benefits of such collaboration. Public Participation takes a lecture/discussion approach, seeking input from participants as a straight application of the given information.

  • Material Under Revision

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Conflict Management (Coming Soon)


In an effort to manage instead of eliminate conflict, this module looks at conflict as a potentially positive force which must be managed effectively within organizations. The workshop covers the basic principles and processes used to resolve disputes ranging from the informal to the formal. There is focus on different styles of managing disputes, as well as an exploration of differing communication and anger management tools. Participants will be exposed to the processes used to resolve disputes and acquire knowledge of how to select the appropriate method and the steps to applying a resolution mechanism.

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Group Dynamics


Using an effective combination of psychological and business perspectives, Group Dynamics explores the social processes that affect group performance and provides the skills to improve team efforts.

The module guides the learner through the process of group development, the functions of a group once its goals have been determined, and strategies to maintain cohesiveness and productivity. Some highlights include acquiring skills to intervene within ineffective situations and becoming aware of the interactions between group norms and individual behaviour. The ultimate goal is to effectively apply these techniques to improve overall organizational effectiveness.

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