Electrical Maintenance Permit

Electrical Maintenance falls within the scope of electrical work and must not be performed without a Maintenance Permit. This permit enables the performance of routine maintenance, including the replacement of existing electrical equipment of equivalent rating, and would eliminate the necessity to purchase individual electrical permits for each minor repair.


  1. Completed Application (251 KB)
  2. List of all premises to be covered by the Maintenance Permit;
  3. The nature of the maintenance intended to be performed under the Maintenance Permit;
  4. The names and registration numbers of all qualified individuals who will be performing maintenance duties.
  5. Fee (see below)


Statutes Regulations
Public Safety Act Electrical Regulations


The fee for an Electrical Maintenance Permit is $60.00 annually (HST not applicable) for each building to be covered under the Permit.

Applications and Publications

Printed copies of applications and publications are available at the Government Service Centre Division’s regional and area offices.



To Find Out More

For information and assistance, contact the Digital Government and Service NL office nearest you.

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