Asphalt Plant Construction and Operation

An asphalt plant requires one approval per season for operation in the form of a Certificate of Approval. Additional approvals may be required if the make-up or components of the plant change during the paving season. Many companies operate the same mobile unit many times throughout the paving season and need only request an approval to set-up when altering location of the plant.


Completed application forms must include:

  1. Sketch of the plant’s layout;
  2. Directions to find the proposed location relative to major landmarks such as highway intersections;
  3. The actual shape of the quarry;
  4. The relative location of any nearby rivers and/or ponds;
  5. The relative location of any nearby homes, commercial establishments and/or recreational facilities;
  6. The proposed location of the asphalt plant within the quarry including settling ponds, fuel tanks, and the source(s) of make-up water; and
  7. The proposed location for applying release agents to the truck boxes.


Statutes Regulations
Environmental Protection Act Storage and Handling of Gasoline and Associated Products Regulations
Air Pollution Control Regulations, 2004
Waste Material Disposal Areas
Used Oil Control Regulations
Water Resources Act Environmental Control (Water and Sewage) Regulations


No fee required.

Applications and Publications

Printed copies of applications and publications are available at the Government Service Centre Division’s regional and area offices.



Refer to the Government Service Centre Division’s locations page for additional contact information.


Additional approvals may be necessary depending on the requirements for on-site fuel storage, and for waste disposal. These approvals are required under The Storage and Handling of Gasoline and Associated Products Regulations, and The Waste Material (Disposal) Act. Applications for these approvals are available from, and processed by, the Government Service Centre.

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