Winter Seminar Series 2019

A series of talks (generally two per session) on activities of the Mines Branch, in particular the Geological Survey, and invited presentations from industry and others.

Presentations are given in the Basement Lecture Room, Natural Resources Building, 50 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The seminars are open to all who are interested. There is no charge and no need to register.

Should you wish to give a presentation in this series, see contact information below.

Further information may be obtained from:
Sarah Hashmi 729-1647
Zsuzsanna Magyarosi 729-3994
Jared Butler 729-3640

The pdf version of the Winter Seminar Series talks issued by the Geological Survey Division of the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources are made available to the public. They have not been formally edited or peer reviewed, and are based upon preliminary data and evaluation. For further clarification on talks, please consult with the authors.

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