Vision 2026

Transition, Transform, Thrive – A Tourism Vision and Strategy for Newfoundland and Labrador (Vision 2026) is a five-year strategy to transition the tourism industry through its recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic and transform into a thriving tourism destination.

The development of Vision 2026 was led by the Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism Board, a private-public leadership board, in partnership and collaboration with countless tourism industry operations, stakeholders and partners throughout the province.

Plans for the next five years will take a three-phased approach:

  • Transition 2022-2023 – A short-term strategy that transitions tourism to more solid footing, building capacity to grow visitation to pre-2020 levels. 
  • Transformation 2024-2026 – A comprehensive medium-to-long-term strategy that transforms tourism on a sustainable path of consistent and responsible annual visitation, spending and employment growth. 
  • Thrive 2026 and Beyond – A long-term strategy focused on guiding and supporting tourism development with an equal focus on both economics and the well-being of people and places, also referred to as regenerative tourism. In this phase of Vision 2026, tourism is thriving by constantly monitoring and adapting to the dynamic and ever-changing tourism environment.

With Vision 2026, private and public stakeholders will strive to not only grow tourism’s contribution to the economy, but also to the sociocultural vibrancy and environmental well-being of the province.

To view the Vision 2026 strategy. Click here.

To view a lower resolution version, click here.