Butter Pot Provincial Park – Generator Site

In May 2009 a portable diesel generator was rented for use at the Park for the Victoria Day holiday weekend. The portable generator was reportedly placed near the generator shed and was connected to the on-Site diesel fuel above storage tank (AST).

On May 18, 2009, Park staff discovered a release of approximately 100 to 150 Litres of diesel fuel from the generator onto the ground surface.  Upon inspection, a crack in the generator fuel filter was identified as the source of the diesel fuel spill.  Initial spill response measures reportedly included attempts by Park staff to absorb and contain the spilled diesel fuel using absorbents (i.e. paper, sawdust, spill kit absorbent) and hand excavation of the surface soil within the spill area.

Although no other reportable spills/releases at the Site were previously identified, based on previous environmental reports and discussions with Park personnel, it was understood that historic (i.e. pre 2009) petroleum hydrocarbon impacts in soil were present in the area of the generator shed and may be attributable to the past practice of handling and disposing of waste oil in this area of the Site.

Several environmental investigations have been completed at the Site, including a Phase II ESA, a Spill Remediation Program that included the removal, transportation and disposal of approximately 90 tonnes of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil related to the May 2009 spill, a Subsurface Assessment to evaluate the extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts related to other historical spill events, and most recently a Supplemental Phase III ESA.

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