Labour Management Arbitration Committee – Roster of Arbitrators

Roster of Arbitrators

The roster is the list of qualified persons who in the opinion of the Committee, meet the qualifications as established by the Committee to conduct arbitrations, as chair of an arbitration board or as a sole arbitrator, pursuant to collective agreements, Labour Relations Act and the Public Service Collective Bargaining Act.

The Labour Management Arbitration Committee shall establish and maintain the Roster.

Current Roster of Arbitrators:

Travor Brown
Dennis Browne
David Buffett
Andrew Butt
John Clarke
Bernard Coffey
Morgan Cooper
Alfred Efford
Ronald McCabe
LeeAnn Montgomery
Sheilagh M. Murphy
James Oakley (114 KB)
Chris Peddigrew
John A. Scott
Wayne Thistle

Revised: November 28, 2023

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