Labour Standards Statistics

The Labour Standards Division promotes and enforces the application of minimum employment standards and is responsible for the administration, investigation & prosecution of the Labour Standards Act. The Division also promotes early resolution of complaints and undertakes preventative intervention in the non-unionized work environment.

See the following Immigration, Skills and Labour statistics sheet for data regarding the department’s activities.

Labour Standards Division – Fiscal Year (April 1 – March 31)
Case Management/Services 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
Requests for Service 12,000 (approx.) 11,498 12,447 13,039
Cases Assigned 62 100 96 108
Cases Concluded 50 84 142 124
Early Resolutions 377 336 320 318
Certificates of Clearance Issued 3,316 2,944 2,775 2,571
Preventive Interventions 294 225 248 178
Speaking Engagements 50
(834 participants)
(1,264 participants)
(1,142 participants)
(1,213 participants)
Day of Rest Exemption Requests  7
(1 Offshore)
(0 Offshore)
(3 Offshore)
(9 Offshore)

*During Preventive Interventions, Labour Standards Officers visit workplaces to meet with employees and employers to discuss their respective rights and responsibilities in relation to labour standards legislation.

Additional Information

For additional statistical information about the department’s programs and services, contact Immigration, Skills and Labour.