Make it Enjoyable

Start with foods you like to eat and consider the suggestions below to make meals more enjoyable.

Cheerful older adults having fun while eating watermelon in the backyard.

Create a pleasant setting

  • Set a table with flowers, a place mat and napkin and use candles (try battery-operated).
  • Listen to music.
  • Take your meal out on the porch, sit near a window or go to the park for a picnic.
  • Enjoy a dinner out in a restaurant occasionally. Ask for a container to take leftovers home.

Share meals with others

Studies show that when you eat with others, you eat healthier. Try having some meals with friends, family members or neighbours and enjoy their company while you dine.

Eating with others can also help you meet new people and celebrate your culture and food traditions. To enjoy the benefits of eating with others:

  • Share a potluck dinner with friends, or form a regular lunch group.
  • Start a club, such as a SOUPer Supper Club, in which the host makes soup and others bring bread, salad or fruit.
  • Join a community kitchen or share cooking with friends. Find a place to come together to plan, shop and prepare several meals together. Take the meals home and freeze for later.
  • Exchange recipes or ask others who are alone for ideas and suggestions, and share yours.
  • Teach your grandchildren or youth in your community how to cook or bake.
  • Check for events at your local community centre.