Have Your Say: Providing Feedback

It is a priority for this government to collaborate with and hear directly from Newfoundlanders and Labradorians on policies, programs, and other related initiatives. This consultation and engagement is especially vital to our annual budget planning.

In 2015, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are more connected, educated and informed than ever before, and they increasingly expect to participate in the decision-making process. When the public is engaged, the Provincial Government can utilize its expertise to make better quality decisions in which residents have a high level of confidence.

People want to more actively participate in government decision-making. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, in turn is working to improve its public engagement.

No single engagement activity method or tool is likely to appeal to all members of the public. While some are comfortable with online tools, others prefer in-person methods. Similarly, while some may like town hall meeting group discussions, others may prefer opportunities to make comments in writing. With this in mind a variety of engagement options are offered to accommodate the preferences of diverse participants.

In support of the Provincial Government’s committment to openness and transparency, results of these different consultations will be made available online once consultations are completed.

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