Population Projections — Definitions

Updated: October 2023

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  • Total Fertility Rate – refers to the average number of children that a woman would have in her childbearing lifetime based on current age-specific fertility rates. The long-term replacement rate needed to just maintain current population levels in the absence of any migration is 2.1 children per woman.
  • Migration – generally refers to the flow of people moving to and from a region. From the province’s perspective, there are three types of migration:
    • International migration – individuals moving to and from another country;
    • Interprovincial migration – individuals moving to and from other provinces; and
    • Intraprovincial migration – individuals moving to and from regions within the province. (While intraprovincial migration does not impact the overall population of the province, it does affect the population levels of sub-provincial regions.)
  • Mortality – refers to age-specific rates of death and total number of deaths for a population. In the projections provided mortality and mortality rates are reflected in the life expectancies for males and females.

Economics Division, Department of Finance – (709) 729-3255 – infoera@gov.nl.ca